Friday 3 January 2014

Healthy and Delicious Dough Pizza

As the word Pizza comes majority of the people have same kind of reaction. Guess what it can be? Yeah there is a bright shine in the eyes and water in the mouth as and when they hear Pizza.  There are many pizza restaurants and outlets all over the world. But making a pizza at home beats the fun of having pizza at a pizza outlet. In the search of new taste and to make an incredible pizza at home people keeps on experimenting with new toppings, new flavors and new ingredients.  One of such incredible pizza which is not even found in the famous Pizza outlets is Dough Pizza which has Cauliflower stuffed in it. 

Healthy and delicious dough pizza with cauliflower

Making pizza at home with friends and family is complete fun. It brings the joy of togetherness and is a source to create happy moments. Making a pizza together is something which helps to know the varied interest and tastes of each other. Many wonderful things are discovered and of course pizza is no exception. So once in blue moon it is always wise to make a good Dough Pizza with Cauliflower stuffed in it. It’s something that each of us has always wanted to do.

Pizza is not always about simple cheese, routine veggies and lots of fats. Many people love pizza, it is their favorite food but then too they keep it at a hand’s distance so that they don’t put on weight. They are calorie conscious and everyone knows pizza comes with significant calories. So, what can be done to make a pizza that is tasty and as well as low on calories? Is there a mid way which can allow the taste buds to have their favorite food and do not harms the body shape? Well why not; there is a solution to every problem. It is the pizza made with the cauliflower crust. It is a dream pizza of every gal who wants to have a pizza but don’t wants to put on weight. It is tasty, healthy and just about 30% of the calories. It gives the same taste as of a real pizza which is most desired by every generation. So what is the wait for? Why not plan a party this weekend, make something special, a dough pizza with cauliflower and have fun with friends. After all pizza is probably the most delicious meal and is a part of beautiful memories.

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